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[C] - 03

Feeding the Burbs


feeding the burbs


The evening was late. A faint summer breeze carried the scents of the harvest inside your home. You thought back on your Burrow, wondering if you had been missed. Sitting at your table, you wrote a few letters to them. Afterward, you opened up a can of soup, and, after some thought, ate it straight from the can. It was still good.


You stepped outside after, looking at the sky. It was covered in rose, damson, and golden colors. You took a moment to appreciate it, to drink in its beauty before deciding to stroll through town.


Meandering down the path, you took note of the tiny park next to your home again. It was practically in your backyard, after all. 

You meandered down the path, taking note, once again, of the tiny park next to your home. A few villagers were out and about busy with their own lives. As you came into the village square, which was more of a circle, you spied a well. It was covered in thick moss, and surrounded by four intricately carved stone benches. On one of them sat an old bun, covered in a thick purple shawl. In her paw, she clutched a large back of birdseed, and was riffling through it, before looking up and noticing you. "Oh, a newcomer!" she said cheerfully, and waved you over.





"I'm so glad I caught you," she said, "I was just about to leave." She stood slowly, picking up a gnarled, yet smooth wooden cane. She bent down, and slowly swept away a few crumbs. "Name's Mimsy. I feed the birds, usually," she said, gesturing to a nest on top of the well.



"Welcome to Ra'ull," she said, and shook your paw while absentmindedly looking towards the horizon. "Looks like there will be rain tomorrow. You best be careful. It gets awful muddy around the square. Tell you what," she said, pausing, "Why don't you feed the birds for me? I've got to get home--no real time to chat."


Before you could really say yes, she'd placed the bag in your hand. "What's your name again?" she asked, waiting until you gave it. "Fine, fine, well, so nice to meet you. I hope you have a wonderful evening."


She rushed off, seeming to care only about the horizon.


Blinking, you shrugged. Well, I suppose it was time to "feed the burbs." Settling down on the bench, which was still quite warm from Mimsy, you sprinkled the rest of the bag out on the ground, and watched as the birds came to flock around it.


All too soon, the birdseed had vanished, and you were left with something heavy in the bag. It looked like one heavy, solid Creamee, wrapped in a note that said, "Please enjoy this as a welcoming gift. -Mimsy"


You were shocked! What a kind thing to do! Too bad you didn't know where she lived. Oh well. Perhaps you would thank her tomorrow.


Holding the Creamee close, you headed home, feeling a little bit more welcomed in Ra'ull.




Draw your Creambun feeding a Purple Makoon next to the well!


Reward Amount
Gold 1000
Creameree 100
1 result found.